Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My baby girl is 6 months old today!!!!

I can't believe half of a year has gone by already! I definitely feel like it is almost bitter sweet. On the one hand it is exciting that she is getting bigger, learning, but she is not my little tiny baby any more. It is just a reminder of how fleeting life is and that it is so important to make everyday count. It has been such a challenging, emotional, but mostly wonderful experience. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like with out my little angel by my side, and I feel so lucky and blessed that I am able to stay home and be a mom everyday.

Here are a few things about my big girl:

Alivia Brooke(aka)

-Ali Belle, Ali Bug, Love Bug, Bug, Princess, Little Girl, Little One, Angel

Alivia. . .

Loves her toes, mommy's cell phone, the t.v. remotes, empty water bottles, and Johnny Jump Up. She can't be with out her BLANKI!!! I need to get another one for when it is in the wash and she wont nap unless she has it. Alivia is sitting up all on her own and loves to hang out with all of her toys around her on the floor. She is getting pretty good at standing, with a little assistance, will sometimes take a few little, wobbly steps. She is now eating foods, and will eat anything I give her! So far she has had rice cereal, peas, sweet potatoes, bananas, and apple sauce.

The only thing that gets her upset is when she doesn't get attention when she wants it. I guess being with mom all the time is making her a little spoiled. We will work on that.

I have the best, sweetest, and happiest baby and I love being her momma!!

1 comment:

Branden and Mindy said...

your so good at these blog posts-you need to do it more. I shouldn't complain at least your doing it right?? Way to go! She is so beautiful! Love the post.